Experience an unforgettable Diving Day at the Swiss Museum of Transport - the perfect place for anyone who loves the element of water!
Prof Constantino Balestra from DAN Europe will be present on this day and the Swiss specialist society for diving doctors will be celebrating its 40th anniversary.
Medical diving presentations in German & English
13:55 - 14:25
Diver's pulmonary oedema (German) -
14:30 - 15:30
Advances in physio pathology of diving (English) -
15:35 - 15:55
Preconditioning or the reduction of the N2 bubble load (German) -
16:00 - 16:20
Diving: Stress & Panic (English) -
16:25 - 16:55
Diabetes and Diving: News (English)
Find out more about Diving Day at: A day dedicated to diving
By registering here, you can benefit from a discounted admission ticket to the Swiss Museum of Transport Lucerne.
We are looking forward to meeting you there!
Your DAN Suisse team